Wind Horse Hill

Retreat and Training Center

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Opportunities for

Healing & Growth

Sallie E. Ingle MA LPC-S is a teacher and an Internal Family Systems (IFS) psychotherapist in private practice in Spicewood TX.

At Wind Horse Hill, we specialize in hosting events that focus on healing through Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) modalities.

Healing with Horses

Join our beloved equine herd to experience the healing power of nature and open yourself to explore deep connection in the beauty of the Texas Hill Country.

Building relationship with our herd of equines (horses and donkeys) is a chance to practice having a brain reset while learning about co-regulation, a chance to explore new ways to cope with challenges, a chance to recognize old patterns and create more choice.

Equine Assisted Sessions now available

at the Wind Horse Hill Retreat Center

Inner Exploration with IFS

Internal Family Systems (IFS) encourages us to develop relationship with all the different, multifaceted parts of ourselves.

Learn your own inner landscape & discover that you really are the one you have been waiting for.

Individual Sessions via Zoom or In Person here at the Retreat Center

Creating Connection

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Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) Couples & Relationship Therapy was created by Toni Herbine Blank based on the IFS Model. IFIO offers the opportunity to co-create and deepen intimate relationships. Partners learn together how inner feelings and thoughts influence, and sometimes determine, our interactions with those we love.

Don't let old patterns dictate your interactions with those you love. Create choice in every moment.

Couples & Family Sessions via Zoom or In Person here at the Retreat Center

IFS & IFIO Group & Individual Consultation:

For those who have completed an IFS Level One, Sallie E Ingle MA LPC-S, Certified IFS Therapist & Consultant offers group & individual supervision and consultation to deepen skills, consult on cases, practice protocols and illuminate your understanding of the living art of healing with IFS.

For those who have completed the Intimacy From the Inside Out (IFIO) Basic Training, group & individual consultation is available to deepen your understanding of IFIO and expand your work assisting couples with decreasing reactivity and increasing choice. Sallie is an Assistant Trainer for IFIO.

Upcoming IFS Workshops & Retreats

In Person Events for IFS Healers

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Psyche in Action:

Action Methods for IFS Exploration

Join Small Group of IFSers for a day of

Personal Growth, Healing & Learning.

10-3 on Saturday, June 29 2024

In our day together, we will combine IFS insights with classic psychodramatic techniques to concretize our inner landscapes. Welcome to this opportunity to establish and strengthen intrapsychic relationships (Self to Part) to promote healing!


Coffee, Tea, Waters & Lunch Provided

Facilitator: Sallie E Ingle MA LPC-S

To Register Contact:

Coming Next Fall

Living Our Relationship with Death:

Using experiential exercises, discussion, sharing, ceremony and ritual, we will explore our relationship with death and the vitality that awareness of mortality can bring to our every moment.

IFIO Trainings for Clinicians at Wind Horse Hill

Advanced Training 2024:

IFIO For Betrayal & Repair

Toni Herbine Blank & John Palmer

For Additional info, visit



Basic Training is similar to Level One IFS trainings. It is an experiential model of couple’s therapy that draws primarily from Internal Family Systems (IFS) developed by Richard Schwartz. The model includes aspects of psychodynamic theory, systems thinking, neuroscience and mindfulness practices.

IFIO is a relationship therapy born out of a desire to carry the concepts of IFS into a relational setting and to use the intimate relationship itself as a vehicle for growth and healing of the individual, as well as the couple.

The 72-hour clinical training helps therapists enhance their knowledge and skill, their work couples and with individuals. Therapists learn to work successfully with common difficulties in couples therapy. In this training IFS therapists become skilled at: (1) Working with the extreme impulses of protective parts; (2) Facilitating interpersonal and intrapsychic work; and (3) Assisting couples to have courageous conversations and deepen heartfelt connection.

This course is open to IFS Level 1 graduates and is considered a Level 2 offering for The Center for Self Leadership: 72 hours of continuing education available.

For registration and additional info on upcoming IFIO Trainings, visit

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Pot Luck Events for

the Austin IFS Community

(Check the Austin IFS Listserve for details)

Cute Flat Doodle Cats Watching a Movie

IFS Movie Nights:

Dinner and a Movie? Join your local IFS community for an evening of laughter, bonding and insight into parts and Self!

IFS Shakespeare Table Reads:

Read the classics with friends over supper & a glass of wine and discover how the Bard shared his understanding of parts & Self!

Past Retreats/Workshops:

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For IFS Clinicians: IFS Lead Trainer Ann Sinko shared a combination of experiential exercises, lecture, movement, ritual and ceremony, culminating in personal and group witnessing and unburdenings of both individual and collective grief.

Grief Retreat

  • 3 days designed to deepen grief skills and enhance wellbeing through exploration and expression of grief in community.

  • Delve into Francis Weller’s 5 gates of grief:
    • Loss,
    • Places that have not known love,
    • the Earth,
    • Loss of expectation and
    • Legacy burdens.

  • These 5 gates expand our understanding of grief and name deep places inside of us that may not have been named before.
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An IFS Approach to Increasing Connection and Deepening Intimacy

Facilitated by Cathy Curtis, LCSW

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This non-residential retreat is designed to help people understand the multi-layered reasons for their reactivity. People often use behavior resulting in the opposite of their intention. Some examples of these ineffective behaviors are, shaming, blaming, withdrawing and criticizing. Often people use these behaviors as a protection method for the more vulnerable feelings and exiled parts underneath. This workshop will open up the possibility for more choices in how to respond to others. These new choices can lead to more closeness and intimacy in your life.

We will help you explore your own reactivity and the vulnerabilities inside that drive it. In addition, you will learn how to help those vulnerable parts which will then lessen reactivity and allow for clearer, more heart felt communication. This can also help increase compassion toward yourself and others.

We will also cover what it means to make a “self-led return” in conversation with another. We will teach how to speak for your internal experience in a self-led way. Speaking for your experience rather than blaming, etc. makes it much easier for the other person to listen. This greatly increases your chances of being heard and met.

This retreat is based on the Internal Family Systems model of Richard Schwartz and the Intimacy from the Inside Out work of Toni Herbine-Blank.

You will walk away with a basic road map of a self-led communication. Concepts and exercises will be given to help you tune inside, spend time connecting and developing an internal relationship with your vulnerable parts, and then return to the person that triggered you, and then speak for your experience in a way that brings more connections.

Cathy Curtis, LCSW

Cathy Curtis, LCSW is an IFS Lead Trainer, as well as a Lead Trainer for the Intimacy From The Inside Out program. She has been a psychotherapist for over 30 years and facilitates IFS consultation groups and workshops.

Let's work


Hand touching global network connection and data exchanges on sky sunset background. Technology and telecommunication concept.


6492 Fall Creek Rd

Spicewood TX 78669

(512) 576-1604

